Friday, August 3, 2007

I Must Be Getting Old

As I sit here, sprawled on my couch, and watching the Braves playing the Colorado Rockies, it has dawned on me that I must getting old. Seven or eight years ago, Friday nights were reserved for dates with my wife, going out to eat, watching a movie, or playing games. It was a time when nothing sounded more boring to me than sitting at home doing nothing on a perfectly good Friday night. Now that I'm a couple years older, with a son, and more responsibilities, sitting on the couch and watching a baseball game sounds like the perfect ending to a long week. I've worked more than 50 hours this week, and the idea that I can sit here, and do absolutely nothing for a few hours sounds like heaven.
My wife has had a long week as well, and she's curled up here beside me enjoying some reading, and taking it easy as well. It's just one more sign that I must be getting old. Sitting at home on the couch used to be what my parents did on a Friday night. Now, I kind of like the idea.


Jim Duncan said...

Tranquility is so essential to achieve the satisfaction of "growing old-er!" As the issues of life are temporarily suspended while you enjoy family life in the comfort of your own home, you can know the pleasure of relationship and those essential ingredients that makes one smile with joy. Keep sharing your expressions for they reveal the ingenuity of your creativity and the pleasure of your personality. D/J/Gd

Timashoe said...

Yeah, you 30-year old, you. =D I'm not too far behind - I suppose when our baby comes, and I'm sitting at home on Friday nights and thinking how glad I am that it's almost bedtime, I'll be wondering when it was that I got old as well. =D

Your sis