Sunday, August 5, 2007

Where Do We Lose It?

Somewhere along the line, we all seem to lose it. We have it when we are little, but somewhere along the line, it seems to disappear, never to return. I'm talking about the way babies and little kids seem to have the ability to wake up bright and early with a huge smile on their face, ready to greet the day. It doesn't matter that they were up late the night before, or someone stole their toy yesterday. Every day is a new day, and they seem to more than ready to get going, to see what this new day brings. Try and think back to the last baby you've seen that woke up in bad mood. They just don't seem to do it. Now try and think back to the last time you've been in a bad mood when you got up. If you're anything like me, you don't have to think back very far at all.
Of course, as adults, we have far more responsibilities and problems than children do, but perhaps we could all take lessons from babies and little children. Take each day as it comes, and try and leave the past in the past. It's not that easy, and probably isn't very realistic, but every time you see a baby wake up with a big grin on her face, try to remember to do the same.

1 comment:

Jim Duncan said...

We lose it with "memories"! When we start the day with no memories of the past, a smile is practical and very helpful. It helps you to cruise through the day with no burdens or barriers. But, as we reflect on "yesteryears" and the consequences of our mistakes, a grimace in the morning is more likely than a smile.
But, you're right!! Let's forget the past and move on toward the future where a radiant smile, knowing we can achieve because there's no "baggage" to hold us back. Hindsight has its advantages but foresight may enable us to live longer! Keep analyzing and look for the "good in everything" and perhaps Pollyanna will always be there! Agreeable me - D/J/gd