Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Happy Birthday, Sweetheart.

There are times when a simple post is best. I'd like to wish a wonderful birthday to the person whom I love with every ounce of my soul. Thank you for being my soulmate, and my best friend ever. I love you, Carin.


Monday, March 10, 2008

Wow, What an inspiration!

I've heard this speech numerous times over the years, and I have yet to not be inspired by Jim Valvano's speech. I can almost promise you, you can't watch this, and not be moved to tears. Things like this can certainly keep life in perspective. The daily grind may be stressful, but listening to this can put it all in perspective. The irritations in my daily life are small, and I need to learn to appreciate the bigger things in life.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

How Hard Can It Be

Along with a lot of others, I've been trying to follow this presidential election. All the various candidates have their platforms, which supposedly they will follow if elected. The two parties haven't even decided on their candidates yet, and already I'm about sick of politics. I have yet to find a candidate who I'd feel comfortable voting for, either Democrat or Republican. How hard can it be to find a candidate who is fiscally conservative and won't spend my tax money of a bunch of junk, who is pro-life and believes that abortion is murder, who believes that war is a bad idea, peace is a much better idea,. How hard can be it to have a candidate who believes that people should only come into our country legally, and protect the borders so that bad guys can't just walk into the country, and who believes in taking care of the poor and needy, but not enabling those who chose to take advantage of the system, who believes that getting the country out of debt is a critical matter of national importance, and won't raise taxes in order to increase spending. Until that candidate comes along, I'll probably tune out, and enjoy watching sports, and playing golf instead.

Monday, January 28, 2008

This Is Harder Than It Looks

Don't let this fancy facade fool you. Blogging is hard. By letting my blog go untouched for the last couple of months, I've fooled everyone into thinking that blogging is simple, all you have to do is ignore your blog. However, it is much more difficult than it looks. I'm beginning to learn that creative writing is much harder than it looks. If do manage to crank out a new post every couple of days, you can't be blamed for thinking that it's difficult. It's really not, all you have to do is ignore the blog, and everyone will marvel at your genius.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Joy of New Life

Well, my wife, son, and I just got home from a weekend where we went to go see my new niece. She is an amazingly beautiful little girl, and I am just incredibly thankful that I get to be her uncle. I wasn't too sure how I was going to react when I actually got to hold her. I wasn't too sure I wouldn't burst into tears when I actually held her, but fortunately for me (and everyone else there too), I was able to enjoy getting to meet my wonderful little niece. Jordyn is a great little girl, with really good parents, and has a wonderful life ahead of her. It got me to thinking about life, and all the endless possibilities that we have as humans when we are born. We're born, and can't do anything for ourselves, we're completely at the mercy of our parents, whether that's for good or bad. As we grow, we become increasingly able to take control of our own lives, and our lives became increasingly complicated. Sometimes, like at the birth of a new child, it's nice to take a step back, and think about what's really important in life. Our families, and our faith are the most important things in shaping who we are to become. A new life is certainly something to celebrate!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Fascination With Pictures

I wanted to share a website that I've been simply fascinated with for the past couple of days. Those of you who use to host your blog may be familiar with this, but I'm sharing this for those who haven't seen it. Blogger now has a site where they simply scroll pictures that people are uploading to their blog sites. It's just random picture after random picture. They screen them, so there are few, if any, offensive pictures. It's just picture of cute kid, after weird vacation picture, after scenery picture. It's fascinating to me to see what others are taking pictures of, and think are important enough to post on their blogs.


Saturday, September 29, 2007

Top Five List

Top 5 movies that are always on TV, but I'll still stop and watch when I come across them.

1. Shawshank Redemption
2. Tombstone
3. Caddy Shack
4. Back to the Future
5. The Fugitive