Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Conversation

I had the following conversation with my 4 year old son this afternoon.

Eli: Daddy, you and Mommy are married, right?
Me: Yup, we sure are.
Eli: I'm going to get married too.
Me: You are?
Eli: Yup, Zoe says she's going to marry me.
Me: She does, does she?
Eli: Yup, she says we're going to get married someday.
Me: What do you think about that?
Eli: (pauses, then grins) Sounds good to me!

Aren't kids wonderful? Their perspective on life can be so innocent, and yet, so refreshingly honest! There's something to be said for the innocence of childhood.

1 comment:

Timashoe said...

Ooh, Ooh, can I be flower girl?

Aunt Tama