Monday, September 10, 2007

Thoughts On A Song

I was working this morning, when a song came on the radio. It's a song that, normally, when it comes on, I roll my eyes and change the station. I don't normally listen to country, so it was by chance that I even heard it. Today however, I was busy and didn't have time to change the station, so the song played all the way through. The song was "Live Like You Were Dying" by Tim McGraw. When the song first came out, I thought the song was OK, and had a neat message. But years have gone by, and what I call "playlist overkill" made the song almost intolerable. Today was different however. I listened and sang along with the song, and it really made me do some thinking about my life.
Maybe because I'm over 30 now, or maybe because I feel a great responsibility to my wife and son, or maybe because my parents are getting to the point of retirement, but I've never been more cognizant of the fact that there is really only one heartbeat between me and eternity. I'm never been more confident of the fact that I know where I'll be for eternity, but I also know that there is so much that I want to accomplish before I get there. "Live Like You Were Dying" sounds pretty cheesy, but there is a great truth in the fact that this life isn't guaranteed to us for more than the next heartbeat. I fully intend to take advantage of the fact that I am alive, and not put off till later what I can do now. I challenge you to do the same.

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